Direct Selling Tips: Building for Success
Direct Selling Tips: Building for Success
The rewards of direct selling are many…
1. You can be your own boss.
2. You can set your own hours.
3. You can own your own businesses with little or no investment.
4. You can pay yourself more than any boss would ever pay you.
5. You can give yourself regular raises as your business grows.
It’s only fair to tell you that there are failures, too.
There are people who will not work for themselves. When working for a
boss, they rise early, are well-groomed, and get to the office on time.
However, when they are their own boss, they are still in a bathrobe,
drinking one more cup of coffee at 11:00 A.M.
If you can be your own boss and discipline yourself to do what has to be done, when it has to be done, direct selling offers a very high earning potential.
Direct Selling Tips: The 10 Steps to Success
Here are the ten direct selling tips that will assure success in your direct sales business:
1. SET GOALS. Why are you building a direct sales
business? Do you want to save for college for your children? A new car? A
new home? You can have all these things, but you must want it enough to do the things that have to be done to get it.
Whatever your goal, write it down and set an intended date to reach it by.
Divide the time period into blocks of achievement that are reachable.
Work consistently toward accomplishing this goal each day, each week,
and each month. Goal setting is a must in your direct selling business.
Very little is ever accomplished without clear, defined goals.
2. BE A LIST MAKER. Each evening list all the things you want to get done the next day.
This gives you an organized approach to each day. As each task is
finished, tick it off your list. You will get a great feeling of
progress every time you mark something off on your list. It really is
amazing how much more gets done when you work with a “to-do” list.
3. BE ENTHUSIASTIC. Enthusiasm is the high-octane
“fuel” that salespeople run on. Enthusiasm generates its own energy.
Energy and good health are synonymous with busy, happy people.
4. THE MAGIC WORD IN SALES IS “ASK.” In direct sales we don’t have to wait for business to come to us. We create our own business by asking for it. Ask for appointments, then you can do business. Ask for business, then you will close sales. Ask for referrals, then you will always have a full list of prospects to contact. Be relaxed, yet firmly focused.
5. EXPECT NO’S. Realize that no’s are not personal. In direct sales, as perhaps nowhere else, the law of averages work. Every “no” really does get you closer to a sale.
Keep track of your ratio, as this will help improve your techniques.
Are you getting twenty no’s to one yes? Is your ratio ten to one?
Remember, the “yes’s” are your income.
Also remember that “no” does not always mean “no“.
Often a “no” is simply a stall for more time. It may be a request by
your prospect that they need more information about your product or your
service. Have a helpful attitude, be completely honest, and make it
clear that you want what is in your prospect’s best interest.
6. SCHEDULE TIME WISELY. A schedule is the roadmap
by which salespeople travel. It takes the guess work out of the day. It
assures that the required things get done, and get done when they’re
supposed to. You want to plan your work, then work your plan.
7. HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Success in direct selling (as in all areas of life) is 90% attitude and 10% aptitude.
You should be proud to be a salesperson. Sales make the wheels of our
economy turn. Bernard Baruch, adviser to several presidents, once said, “If every salesperson sat down and took no orders for twenty-four hours, it would bankrupt our country!” Remember, sales is one of the highest paid professions in the world for a reason.
8. HAVE AN OFFICE AREA. Most direct salespeople work from their own homes, but it is vital that you have a place where you can work in a organized and effective manner.
An office, plus a strict working schedule, are absolutely essential for
efficient operation and to the success of your business.
9. BE INVOLVED. Most direct sales companies offer
contests to motivate their associates. Include winning contests as part
of your business goals. Contests make your direct selling business fun, as well as adding a nice little extra to your income.
10. HANDLE MONEY INTELLIGENTLY. A regular 9-5 job usually means a paycheck at the end of the month. Direct sales “reps” handle money on a constant basis.
Direct sales is instant income and constant income. Therefore. it is
incredibly important that you become an efficient money manager.
Deposit every penny collected from customers into a account set up for your business.
As bank statements show an exact record of all monies collected, and
business expenses can be verified by canceled checks, record keeping
becomes simple and accurate.
Money saved regularly will soon develop an additional income stream for you due to interest.
A long-term goal (which is certainly realistic in direct sales) is to
be able to retire off the interest earned through savings.
Does financial freedom mean a lot to you? If so, ask yourself these questions:
* Am I honest?
* Do I really like people?
* Am I willing to learn?
* Am I willing to work?
* Am I capable of being my own boss?
If your answers are yes, then you can certainly turn dreams into reality though a direct selling business.
P.S. If you would like more in-depth home
business training then be sure to join the Inner Circle and get access
to the training, tips and advice that no one else gets. Simply enter
your email address below for free access…
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